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On December 22nd we placed an artificial nest for scarlet macaws at the Colegio Técnico Profesional de San Mateo de Orotina, which is part of the scarlet macaw conservation program that we started in 1994 under the direction of Dr. Christopher Vaughan.
According to local residents, scarlet macaws have not been seen in the area for decades, however, since a few years ago, sightings have become more frequent.
For Punta Leona this is an indispensable step according to the regenerative tourism approach that we are consolidating, because the idea is that the project goes beyond our property and spreads to different areas where it is now more common to see scarlet macaws.
In addition, placing the nest in an educational center is even more valuable, not only because it is possible to have better security, but also because of the learning and work that the students can do around this nest.
Ericka Navarro and Jeison Vega, teachers at CTP, as well as Pablo Venegas, Hotel staff member in charge of placing the nest, speak next.
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