We want to replicate a news item from our friends at Macaw Lodge, located in Bijagual, who organized a meeting to discuss the creation of a Biological Corridor that will benefit not only the passage of wildlife species in the area, but also tourism and the community.
Punta Leona actively participated in the meeting, as it has always been in our interest to integrate with the community and contribute our experience in projects focused on environmental protection and restoration.
“Approximately 60 community members gathered at Macaw Lodge to focus the discussion on a proposed forest connectivity route (Connectivity Route) from Carara National Park to La Cangreja National Park with the purpose of restoring biodiversity. The route is located within the El Paso de las Lapas Biological Corridor (CBPL) which contains 45% of Costa Rica’s endemic species.
The attendees contributed with their different experiences and shared knowledge on forestry, soils, rivers, climate change adaptability, mapping and sustainable construction for the community.
The proposed Connectivity Route will be approximately 15 km long. The area is composed of numerous small forested patches surrounded by open grasslands that were created long ago for cattle. Unfortunately, most of the remaining wildlife will not cross the open grasslands and will have difficulty breeding and surviving in the small wooded patches in which they are currently found. Connecting these patches with an uninterrupted vegetative pathway will allow wildlife to be mobile and biodiversity to increase. Several wildlife reserves and two national parks will also be connected to the project.
The meeting was organized by Macaw Lodge and the Center for Biodiversity Restoration. Members of Bosque-Azul and Corredor Biológico de las Lapas also participated.
If you would like to stay informed about this project and attend our online meetings, please email finca@macawlodge.com or visit C4BR.org.”
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